Sunday, December 13, 2009

This time of the year is always hard. The materialistic obsession often resulting in two grown adults going UFC on each other for a fucking Tickle Me Elmo doll or whatever the new fad is, the "war on Christmas" bullshit Fox spews out every hour, and of course, the holiday-lovin' idiots at work that you have to put up with when they hang sparkly shit all over the fucking place; as you may or may not have guessed by now, I hate holidays. However, out of respect for the holiday freaks out there who seem to find joy in a world of misery and try to convince me that happy thoughts will make my personal shit go away, I will instead talk about the 25th Anniversary of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame concert. I have displayed two lists below; one list of artists/bands that couldn't be there, and another that should have but weren't. Here we go:

Bands that couldn't be there:

1. The Beatles
2. The Clash
3. Led Zeppelin
4. Marvin Gaye
5. Michael Jackson

Bands that should have fucking been there, but for some reason, weren't:

1. Aerosmith
2. Pink Floyd
3. Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers
4. The Rolling Stones
5. Bob Dylan

That's all, feel free to argue or whatever, I don't care. I posted my favorite part of the show (besides Simon & Garfunkel) up above.

Oh, and Happy Holidays!

standing on the corner, suitcase in my hand

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