Friday, June 08, 2007

Stupid Spoiled Whore

This is so fucking wonderful, so orgasm-inspiringly tasteful that I want to take a picture of this moment and cherish it forever. Paris Hilton is going back to prison! Check out the article for all the juicy details, but be warned; the details in the first paragraph that outline her crying face as she screams for her mommy to make the bad judge change his mind are so fucking delicious that I almost ate my laptop screen. Seriously, I have salt in one hand and a fork in the other. Justice is yummy indeed.

In other news, my birfday is on Monday, the 11th, and not in fact on Tuesday the 12th as Myspace has erroneously reported. I checked my settings and I have the right date on there, so I don't know what happened, but you can blame this guy. Anyway, those of you that know me may feel free to shower me with gifts, love, affection, money, fame, hookers, blow, and/or tasty treats. I dunno, maybe some crumpets or something, nothing to fancy, just surprise me, I'm easy.

I'm about to have a nervous breakdown

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